Wednesday 20 February 2008

Pinched from sheep in wellies

1. Write a line from the song you're listening to?

The theme tune to hollyoaks oooh and its getting juicy too

2. Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?

well they have two holes for my legs

3. What book are you reading right now?

The great indoors hmmm cant remember who by and its in the bedroom

4. What are you seriously wearing?

Seriously I am wearing combat pants and a white hoody, no seriously!!

5. On your "lazy days" what would you be doing?

erm, being lazy of course.

6. where are you right now?

My dear friends say another planet , but to me its my lovely lounge

7. Do you eat raw cookie dough?

Oh yeah who doesnt? I had some earlier raw ginger biccies yummy

8. Have you ever kicked a vending machine?

No but then one has never done anything to upset me

9. Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone?

No but I have stayed online for a very long time

10. Could you live without a computer?

What kind of stupid question is that?

11. Is anyone on your bad side now?

OOOOOH yeah and its not a good place to be. If you are reading hop over to the light side now you have been warned rofl

12. What jewelry are you wearing?

Just my engagement ring. I have simple tastes, for simply huge rocks

13. Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?

No am I missing out?

14. Do some people spell your name Wrong?

Since its only 5 letters long I should hope not

15. Would you wear your other half's clothes?

tops, yes. Utd shirts and socks No sirrrrreeeeeeeeeeee

16. What are you doing tomorrow.?

Buying my new car

17. When is the last time you left your house?

Today and it was freeeeeeezing

18. What color are your bed sheets?

Today they are brown and cream colour

19. Would you survive in prison?

I hope i can survive without ever going thankyou

20. Do you know anyone with the same name as you?

I know lots of kellys but not with my surname

21. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Hmmmm actual shoes maybe 2 pairs, FMB's about 5 pairs and trainers about 7 haha i love trainers

22. Whats the last thing you ate?

A jelly hippo from my pic and mix

23. What service is your cell phone?


24. What's your middle name?

By Jeebies you are a nosey one - Jane

25. What's your last name?


26. Where is your cell phone?

Good question I will ask luke

27. How are you sitting?

I am lay on my sofa with my feet on my beanbag

28. What brand are your pants right now?

Todays your lucky day, elle mcpherson

29. Ever been to Georgia?

No but i used to work with a girl with that name

30. What irritates you most on the internet?

Stupid ruddy trolls

31. Do you watch movies with your parents?

er no

32. Favorite song?

Anything by take that will do

33. What song best describes your life right now?

Patience - I need a lot of that rofl

34. Where do you work?

Wherever my child is I am a mummy

35. What do you drink (non-alcoholic)?

Panads and milky coffee

36. Do you get your hair cut every month?

Nope every 2

37. Do you go online every day?

Yep i am far to nosey and a lot happens in a day

38. Current relationship status?

Engaged - been together 6 years

39. Do you know anyone that has changed your life?

Lots of people, 2 beginning with K ;)